The Benefits of Face-to-face Learning

2 minute read

Face-to-face learning has been the standard way of instruction for centuries. This year has been a surprise for most, with the pandemic forcing a closure on all universities, colleges and schools. Whilst online learning is becoming increasingly popular, face-to-face learning is still the best option for some.


It’s PHYSICAL. Face-to-face teaching and learning is something that is essential for some people when it comes to effective learning. Being able to collaborate, discuss and experiment with peers motivates and encourages learners to excel in their studies. A fascinating study, Neural Synchronization during Face-to-Face Communication details that face-to-face dialog resulted in more effective communication as there was better ‘neural synchronization’ between the partners.

You get INSTANT ANSWERS and interaction. It creates that support network with fellow students, the teacher or training provider. For teachers, by looking at the faces of their students they are able to interact and gauge understanding and differentiate between those who are engaged and those who have ‘zoned out’.

You stay MOTIVATED. Unlike face-to-face learning, many get caught up with life when no-one is there to help drive their learning, causing time to study to fall by the wayside. For many students, ‘obligatory’ attendance is what drives them forward to complete their course.


Picture by Clint Randall


However, with the surge in online learning there is no doubt there are benefits. Rather than a group learning environment, it’s individual, giving the opportunity for people to pick their studies up wherever and whenever. It also allows students to dictate the PACE at which they complete their course.

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