Challenging the conventional workplace approach

14th April 2021

The pandemic has challenged the conventional workplace approach with remote working and new means of collaboration. As the vaccination roll-out gathers pace, there is an increased optimism as to the possibility of returning to the office. At the time of writing, 31% of the UK population have administered one...

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Is homeworking here to stay?

11th March 2021

    Coronavirus has brought about a huge shift in the way we typically work, although some believe that this shift is long overdue. Where it was commonplace to see a desk-to-staff ratio of around 1:1 in many organisations before the pandemic, the question now asks itself, is this...

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The Benefits of Face-to-face Learning

05th November 2020

Face-to-face learning has been the standard way of instruction for centuries. This year has been a surprise for most, with the pandemic forcing a closure on all universities, colleges and schools. Whilst online learning is becoming increasingly popular, face-to-face learning is still the best option for some.   It’s PHYSICAL....

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How will the workplace look post-COVID

22nd July 2020

With many organisations working on their short to medium-term plan to get people back into the office safely, Cobus have been researching and brainstorming the effects of COVID on workplace design. There are many unknowns when researching what the ‘new normal’ will be, although we know that workplace design...

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Introducing your workforce back to the office

01st May 2020

  We are now in the month of May and planning to head back to the workplace is entering more people’s minds. To what extent can you safely bring employees and clients back into your space? Although it is too early to know exactly when and how our workforce’s...

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Top 9 Tips for working from home

07th April 2020

Top tips for working productively at home Working from home is a big change that can be difficult to adjust to. We have a few simple steps to help ensure maximum productivity and good mental health.   Get up and get dressed It may sound like the simplest thing....

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